Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cake Teaser

This pretty much sums up my week (and my current mental state)...

Two of the coolest people I know are getting married this weekend, and I have the honor of making their cakes. The cakes are all, as of 30 minutes ago, finished and stored in my little freezer, ready to be transported to the wedding site and decorated tomorrow afternoon.

(Cakes are scary before they're dressed up for the table, huh? There are 3 12'' rounds, two 9'' and 6'' rounds, 4 9''x13'' white cake sheets, and 5 9''X13'' chocolate sheets crammed in that freezer, awaiting their doom. Their delicious, frosting covered doom.

The coolest thing about this baking marathon? The tiered cake is gluten-free! Yep, you heard me. Gluten-free Banana Spice Cake (with a few spice modifications on my end, including the addition of about a tsp. of orange peel on Dio's suggestion, which adds a nice touch to the flavor), recipe courtesy of Karina's Kitchen. We made a test cake last weekend. Feedback was really positive.
I don't usually care much for gluten-free baking, but this cake was moist as can be and had a really good flavor (somewhere between banana bread and carrot cake). It was a really pleasant , and delicious, surprise, and I think the bride will really enjoy it. The groom too!

1 comment:

  1. cake for 50?
    100 ?!?!?!?

    lots of love and also lots o' cake!

    keep baking, cutie!
